In the Land of Imagination, FEDORA shines at ESERA Conference: Advancing Science Education in Europe and Worldwide

By  Andrea Troncoso, formicablu, Italy
8 September 2023

Last week, the European Science Education Research Association, ESERA, Conference brought together researchers, educators, education professionals and policymakers from across the world; more than 100 nationalities were represented and shared the latest advancements in science education.

Among the standout contributors was our EU Project FEDORA, which counted with the attendance of 12 dedicated partners. FEDORA not only participated actively but also presented research results organised a symposium, several presentations and a workshop centred on the future of science education in schools.

With the room full of participants, both the workshop and the symposium sparked questions and conversations among the attendees.  You can access all presentations here:

Workshop: PreConference Workshop - ESERA conference

Symposium: "Future-Oriented Science Education to Regenerate School Systems for the Society of Acceleration and Uncertainty":

Presentation about Interdisciplinarity: 1_WP1_Interdisciplinarity_Pucetaite_Jovarauskiene

Presentation about New Languages:  2_WP2-New Languages - Conti_Troncoso

Presentation about Futures' Thinking: 3_WP3_Future thinking_Laherto

Presentation about Delphi Study: 4_WP5_Delphi study_Chan

"Time is out of joint": Reimagining time-rituals in science teaching and learning: Levrini_Panel_Time in post-pandemic, ESERA 2023_v5

Epistemological implications of different methodological approaches in textual data analysis: Caramaschi_Zanellati_Levrini_oral_presentationESERA23

Educational reconstruction to promote (physics epistemic) identity: De Zuani_SIG5 symposium

The Quantum Atelier project: Results from an interdisciplinarity experience between art and science:Satanassi_Quantum Atelier

The ESERA Conference has long been recognized as a premier platform for sharing and discussing the latest research and developments in science education. We look forward, in two years, to meeting and sharing new findings in Copenhagen at ESERA 2025!




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FEDORA, Future-oriented Science Education to enhance Responsibility and Engagement in the society of acceleration and uncertainty, is a 3-year EU-funded project. It started in September 2020 and will deploy its activities until August 2023. It gathers 6 partner institutions from 5 European countries.
FEDORA has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme under Grant Agreement no. 872841
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