
During FEDORA's lifetime, 27 Deliverables or reporting documents have been produced and submitted to the European Commission. Many of them are public documents; you can access them directly by clicking on the hyperlink.

You can also access them by visiting our community in Zenodo, Futures Thinking.

If you are interested in a report that is not publicly accessible, please get in touch with us

Submitted deliverables (submission month in brackets)

D1.1: First draft recommendations on “forms of knowledge organization for co-teaching and opens-schooling” (August 2021)

D1.2: Framework for aligning science teaching/learning in formal contexts with the modus operandi of R&I: new inter-multi-transdisciplinary forms of knowledge organization for co-teaching and open-schooling" (Dec 2022) (Public document)
D2.1: Benchmark of existing examples of cross-media and innovative science communication showcases (February 2021)
D2.2: First draft of recommendations on “new languages” for the design of materials (August 2021)

D2.3: Multimedia report of Intensive workshop I on acceleration, complexity and interdisciplinarity (August 2021) (Public document)

D2.4: Multimedia report of Intensive Workshop II on Futurisation (May 2022) (Public document)

D2.5: Framework for aligning science education with society: the search for new languages and narratives to enhance imagination and the capacity to talk about contemporary challenges (November 2022) (Public document)

D3.1: First draft of recommendations for the design of materials to futurize science education (August 2021)

D3.2: Future-oriented science education manifesto (August 2022) (Public document)

D3.3:  Framework to Futurize Science Education (October 2022) (Public document)
D4.1: Report on “Theoretical and pedagogical framework and design/implementation principles” (December 2021)

D4.2: FEDORA materials' effectiveness (from first round implementation) (M28)(Public document)

D4.3: Report on “FEDORA materials’ effectiveness to develop thinking and future-scaffolding skills and to foster aware, responsible and proactive engagement with science: results from two rounds of implementations and from the external evaluation” (August 2023) (Public document)

D4.4: “Model for science education for the society of acceleration and uncertainty”(August 2023) (Public document)
D5.1: Survey instrument for a baseline study of policymakers’ views (February 2021)
D5.2: Report on “Policy Makers’ Needs Analysis for Future-Oriented Science Education” (August 2021)
D5.3: Survey instrument based on policymakers’ responses to Round 1 of the Delphi Study (February 2022)

D5.4: Survey instrument based on policymakers’ responses to Round 2 of the Delphi Study (October 2022)

D5.5: Report on “Policy Makers’ Views on a Model of Science Education for the Society of Acceleration and Uncertainty – the FEDORA Concept” (June 2023) (Public document)

D5.6: Guidelines for RPOs, RFOs, HEIs and high schools on “Promoting futurized science education as a key dimension of RRI” (June 2023) (Public document)
D6.1: FEDORA dissemination & communication Plan (December 2020)
D6.2: Data Management Plan (DMP) (February 2021)

D6.3: FEDORA visual identity and project website (February 2021) (Public document)

D6.4: FEDORA project official video (August 2021) (Public document)

D6.5: FEDORA podcast (August 2022) (Public document)

D6.6: Policy Brief (June 2023) (Public document)

D7.1: Minutes of the consortium meetings (July 2022)




FEDORA, Future-oriented Science Education to enhance Responsibility and Engagement in the society of acceleration and uncertainty, is a 3-year EU-funded project. It started in September 2020 and will deploy its activities until August 2023. It gathers 6 partner institutions from 5 European countries.
FEDORA has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme under Grant Agreement no. 872841
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