In times where no face-to-face meetings are possible, engagement and motivated teamwork still are! An active and hard-working agenda was the tone for the two-day meeting where all 6 institutions gathered last October 29-30, 2020. Professor Olivia Levrini, the Project Coordinator from the University of Bologna, led several phases of the journey, which included formal presentations about the projects' phases, together with interactive sessions that aimed to connect and relate all project partners.
Every partner agreed on the need for regeneration of the narratives and paradigms that underly science education, and that the needed changes will need time to happen and will be enabled by a common and collaborative vision of where are we moving. Therefore, imagination plays a key role in building the future we are aiming for.
FEDORA´s different steps and events will be timely informed here. We invite you, dear reader, to stay tuned and subscribe to the coming invitations.